Geonames MySQL Data Importer V 2.0

A shell Script to download and import dumps into a mysql database.

This project is maintained by CodigoFuerte

Downloading last dumps

In order to get the latest dumps from you can invoke the script in this way. -a download-data [optional_download_dir]

By default, the application will download the data from geonames in a subdirectory of the current path called "download".

You can specify an alternate folder just in case you need to.

The downloaded files in both cases should be:

In addition to these files there is another one called continentCodes.txt. This file is not included as a downlodable file by and is provided as part of this git repository.

The script will unzip the original files downloaded from geonames in a folder called "data". This folder will contain all the data needed for the "import-dump" action.